March 3, 2021

Welcome to Pampa, TX

A gorgeous town in the Eastern Panhandle of Texas. Comfort, happiness, and a quaint way of. life. Friendly neighbors, an involved community, and plenty of extracurricular activities are just the start. Boasting beautiful skies and seemingly endless sunshine. You just might want to consider calling this place your new home. Where is it? Pampa, TX.

Pampa has rail access, blazing internet speeds and that small town feel. With an International Airport just 45 minutes away, and 20 minutes to I-40 you will find everything you need right here.

Known for our agriculture, manufacturing, and engineering, Pampa, TX prides itself on staying ahead and innovating at every corner. We also have a wind farm that is 15 minutes outside of town, though it seems we are headed that way, our oil and gas industries have been a part of our community for a long time and are the backbone of Pampa.

Through our partnerships with local schools and colleges, Pampa, TX is a hub for the fields that incoming industries need. Built on the "can do attitude" and fostered by the pioneer spirit that still has influence in our great community, Pampa, TX attracts some of the strongest local workforce.

In Pampa, TX, you can choose to live in small town America but participate in the world market. Many of our engineering and manufacturing industries operate locally but export nationally and globally.

We encourage and promote industries of the community by directing attention to opportunities within the industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors. We strive to assist with needed resources and financial incentives to interested firms and entrepreneurs in startup, expansion or relocation to this area. The success of this mission will be demonstrated by sustained stability and growth of economic activity in Pampa.

Everyday, Pampa EDC works tirelessly to build a brighter future for its people and businesses. By working to encourage opportunity and expansion/renovation, Pampa EDC aims to raise the quality of life, year over year.

We offer one on one business coaching and consulting at no cost to any member of the Pampa community. These services are offered through a contract with Leading EDG, LLC a provider of
economic development services to communities across the Panhandle and South Plains region. In Pampa, these services are provided by Spencer McElhannon an entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience in starting and operating small businesses.

Pampa EDC encourages anyone interested in starting a business or improving their existing business to take advantage of Spencer’s services. Again, these services are available at no cost to the client.

For more information call (806) 665-0800 or visit our website at

A beautiful town full of possibilities








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